Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Controlling Plant Pest Organisms In Organic Plant

        Pest and disease control in organic vegetable crops should be in accordance with the concept of integrated pest management (IPM). pest and disease control in organic vegetable cultivation does not allow the use of chemical pesticides especially good bit much.                many pest control techniques that can be done in the cultivation of organic vegetables such as by means of physical / mechanical, application of biological agents, microbial bamboo groves, botanical pesticides, natural minerals, crop rotation and others atu forth.Pest and disease control can not be done with one single strategy, should be combined with other control strategies. Seik there has not been doing pest control in organic vegetable crops there are some important things that must be implemented organic vegetable growers, among others:

improve the stability Agroekosistim

            agroekosistim is an interaction between the living environment of plants. The most stable ecosystems on Earth are plants ekositim forest / jungle. stable forest plants are biological cycles and biodiversity goes well, the forest / jungle have never been an explosion of pests of plants. while ekositim most shaken was ecosystems vegetable crops. The main causes of instability of vegetable crops ekositim this is because biodiversity lowest vegetable crops. low biodiversity vegetable crops caused by two main factors, namely high usage of pesticides that cause a reduction in the population of natural enemies and vegetable production systems are more monoculture sole purpose is to increase production. one way to boost biodiversity in agricultural land mainly crops of vegetables is to grow organic vegetables planted flowers and nurture the plants, non-cultivation.

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