Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Gara - Gara Kantong Kresek

                 Kisah ini terjadi sekitar 25 tahun yang lalu kita itu saya masih sekolah dasar. saya dan beberapa orang teman yang seusia dengan saya sama-sama belajar mengaji pada malam hari. kami biasanya pergi dan pulang selalu bersama-sama karena jarak antara rumah kami dengan masjid cukup jauh dan kami harus berjalan kaki karena tidak ada kendaraan untuk pergi ke masjid.
                 Ada suatu kebiasaan bagi kami dalam pergi dan pulang mengaji jika salah satu teman kami ada yang sakit maka teman yang lain tidak pergi mengaji karena tidak sanggup pulang malam kerumah karena jarak yang jauh dari masjid dan dijalanan pulang gelap dan sepi. saya waktu belajar mengaji ada kebiasaan yang sulit saya lupakan yaitu membawa kantong kresek ( Kantong Plastik ) yang disimpan di dalam satu celana.
          Pada suatu ketika salah seorang teman kami sakit tidak bisa pergi mengaji bersama kami, di situ kami bingung, karena pada saat yang bersamaan kami pada malm tersebut mengambil nilai bacaan Alquran yang tidak bisa digantikan pada waktu yang lain. saya dan 2 orang teman lagi bingung apa mau pergi ke masjid atau tidak..?, dan kebetulan pada malam tersebut adalah malam jumat kliwon yang menurut informasi yang sering kami dengar dari orang-orang tua bahwa pada malam jumat kliwon tersebut hantu / makhluk halus sering keluar dan sering terlihat oleh orang di jalan yang selalu kami lalui sewaktu pulang mengaji..
             lebih dari 3 jam bingung memikirkannya, dan ada salah seorang teman saya memberikan usul agar kami tetap pergi ke masjid untuk mengambil nilai, setelah berpikir panjang akhirnya kami bertiga sepakat untuk pergi mengaji dan mengabaikan hal-hal mistis yang pernah kami dengan. sebelum adzan magrib kami bertiga pergi bersama-sama kemasjid.
            setelah mengambil nilai mengaji siap kami shalat isya secara berjamaah dan setelah itu baru kami pulang kerumah masing-masing. di jalan pulang kami bertiga sudah mulai takut, baru setengah jalan menjelang sampai kerumah ada sebuah polongan atau jembatan kecil yang disana biasanya sering kelihatan hantu oleh orang-orang. setibanya kami di polongan kecil tersebut bulu roma saya sudah mulai berdiri, langkah kaki saya sudah mulai agak dipercepat. rasanya langkah kaki saya sudah cepat tetapi tidak juga sampai dirumah, keringat juga sudah mulai keluar saya lihat 2 orang teman saya juga sudah mulai dipercepat langkah kakinya.
           tak lama setelah itu terdengar bunyi suara orang dari belakang, kami yang sudah mulai ketakutan tidak melihat kebelakang malah kami lari sekencang-kencangnya, semakin kencang kami lari semakin kentang bunyi suara tersebut, kami terus berlari sampai-sampai sendal jepit saya putus karena lari ketakutan, setelah sampai didepan rumah kami masing-masing, saya berhenti sambil mengatur pernapasan setelah agak tenang baru saya berjalan menuju pintu rumah.
               Dalam perjalanan menuju pintu rumah masih terdengan bunyi suara yang saya dengar di jalan tadi, rasa takut tadi mulai muncul lagi, setelah sampai di dalam rumah masih juga terdengar suara yang tadi, saya jadi penasaran dan saya pegang saku celana saya ternyata kantong kresek yang saya bawa sebagian keluar dari kantong celana dan tersenggol-senggol saat lari. ternyata bunyi yang kami dengar tadi adalah bunyi dari kantong kresek yang saya bawa. bukanya bunyi hantu yang selama ini kami takutkan.
                Semenjak itu saya tidak pernah menyimpan kantong kresek di dalam saku celana lagi do.


                    Program Sustainable Food House is a program development model of food that was built in an area (hamlets, villages, districts and so on) with the principle of utilization of the yard that are environmentally friendly to meet the food and nutrition ancestry, as well as increased revenues that will ultimately improve the well-being through partisifasi society.                There are four principles underlying the concept model of Region Sustainable Food House (MKRPL) and supplemented with four other principles termed KRPL. 

 Four principles are that KRPL built and developed to:a. Resilience and self-sufficiency familyb. Increased diversificationc. Conservation of genetic resources of local foodd. Improving the welfare of farmersWhile KRPL includes several covers several aspects which are essential to the development KRPL:a. Education and training for the communityb. Improved nutrition and public healthc. Economic empowerment through strengthening product marketing and business capital KRPLd. Anticipation of climate changeIn inflementasinya KRPL models can be used as a medium to realize the MDG of them in the aspect of improved nutrition (nutritional value) and community empowerment. Region Sustainable Food House (MKRPL) built specifically location therefore in inflementasinya must pay attention to the potential and the specificity of the areas to be developed. According KRPL can be built in urban locations with menginflementasi rural KRPL models. In the field, inflementasi KRPL through the following strategies:a. Socialization and advocacy to all partiesb. KRPL conduct training for households or groups of households are in the region developed by the ministry of agriculture / other institutions, Solidarity Wife Kabinent Indonesia Bersatu (SIBI), SOEs, private sector, local government, NGOs, universities and other related parties.c. Build and disseminate Model Region Sustainable Food House (MKRPL) as a pilot in each district / city in the whole of Indonesia by IAARD through workshops for Agricultural Technology (BPTP / LPTP).d. Forming post KRPL movers and managers that includes the central, provincial and district / citye. Build and develop Seed Gardens Village (KBD) in each region and Nursery Core (IAC) in each province to provide seeds for every household in the region developedf. Cooperation with the Ministry / Agency to develop throughout the city / countyg. Replication KRPL by the Directorate General of Technical and Agency Scope of the Ministry of Agricultureh. Replication KRPL by the Government through the budget APBD I and II.In Sumatra (mainly North Sumatera, West Sumatera, Bengkulu, Jambi and South Sumatra), Java, Bali and NTB KRPL growing relatively fast compared to other islands such as Kalimantan, Central Kalimantan, West Kalimantan, Papua, Maluku, North Maluku and East Nusa Tenggara. It's because of constraints such as awareness is still lacking about the benefits KRPL, an understanding of the techniques of fish farming, Food crops, livestock, not enough time to take care of the plants and local government commitment that is still relatively lacking.Related to national food security, KRPL targets are:a. Increased food for the familyb. Increased household food accessc. Increased food diversification based on local resources for familid. Increasing the nutritional value of familyIf the family food security can be realized, then the national food security will be achieved. Utilization of yard area to feed the family is very important for national food security, because of the potential land area of ​​Indonesia reached 10.3 million ha.KRPL adaaptasi and the potential for climate change mitigation. In tekknis integration of crop - livestock - fish on Sustainable Food House (RPL) yards medium (120-400 m2) and large (> 400) implementing water use efficiently as adaptation measures, and animal manure (poultry, rabbit and others) processed into manure is very good for soil fertility and increase crop productivity as a mitigation measure. If farmers fail to harvest as extreme climate impacts on agricultural lands that it manages, the farmers are still able to meet the food needs of their yard. If fishermen can not go to sea due to extreme climate, the fishermen can seek his yard with a variety of alternative staple crops, vegetables and poultry to meet their food needs.KRPL sustainability in the field is done through:a. Provision and distribsi seeds / seedlings through the Village Garden Seeds (KBD) and Nursery Parentb. Warranty product market KRPLc. Improvement and development of Local Championd. Provision infrasuktrutural main water supply sourcee. Institutional support and development of local government.

Jeritan Hati Petani Sayuran

           Pada tahun 2016 ini sudah 71 tahun Negara yang kita cintai ini Merdeka dari jajahan negara-negara barat dan Jepang, sudah beberapa periode kepemimpinan berganti mulai dari orde lama, orde baru dan masa reformasi yang kita jalanan sekarang ini.  sudah beberapa kali presiden kita berganti mulai dari Bapak Soekarno, Bapak Soeharto, Bpk Bj Habibie, Bpk Gusdur, Ibuk Mega, Bpk Sby dan sekarang masa pemerintahan Bapak Joko Widodo(Jokowi) nasib petani tidak juga berubah masih jauh dari kata sejahtera seperti yang di katakan oleh para pemimpin-pemimpin kita untuk kesejahteraan petani.
         Kata sejahtera sangat mudah untuk dikatakan tetapi sangat sulit untuk diwujudkan, memang kata sejahtera itu sangat relatif bagi sebagian petani ada yang sejahtera tapi kebanyakan petani belum sejahtera terutama bagi petani yang bergerak dalam usaha budidaya hortikultura terutama tanaman sayuran yang harganya sangat berfluktuatif dan tidak stabil, bagi petani yang bergerak dalam bidang perkebunan mungkin banyak yang sudah sejahtera karena harga komoditi perkebunan lebih stabil.
         Pada Masa pemerintahan Bapak Presiden Joko Widodo dan Bapak Jusuf Kala dengan kabinet kerjanya ada sedikit optimisme bagi petani untuk mewujudkan kesejahteraan bagi para petani. salah satu fokus program pemerintahan sekarang yang tertuang dalam Nawa Cita adalah terwujudnya kedaulatan pangan..
          Kalau kita baca dari kata kedaulatan pangan bahwa untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pangan warga negara kita ini harus dipenuhi dari dalam negeri tidak dipenuhi oleh negara lain artinya untuk kegiatan impor bahan kebutuhan pokok seperti Beras, Bawang merah, Bawang Putih, daging  dll tidak dilakukan lagi.
          kalau impor kebutuhan pokok tidak dilakukan oleh pemerintah ada titik terang  untuk petani mencapai kata sejahtera. menurut pemikiran kami sebagai pelaku usaha pertanian yang bergerak dalam usaha tani sayuran ada beberapa hal yang bisa dilakukan oleh pemerintah untuk mencapai kesejahteraan petani.
1. Stop lakukan kegiatan impor beras, bawang merah, bawang putih seperti yang sudah dijelaskan di atas tadi.
2. Stabilkan harga produk pertanian yang dihasilkan oleh petani ( Beras, Bawang Merah, Bawang Putih dll )
     Kami sebagai pelaku utama atau petani tidak mengharapkan harga bawang merah sampai Rp. 40.000/kg, karena kami juga berpikir harga tersebut terlalu tinggi yang sulit terjangkau oleh sebagain masyarakat, yang kami perlukan atau kami harapkan dari pemerintah adanya kepastian harga dari pemerintah terhadap komoditi pertanian, disaat harga bawang merah anjlok disini sebenarnya pemerintah lebih berperan untuk membeli bawang merah tersebut dengan harga yang lebih dari pada harga pasar supaya petani bawang tidak merugi atau dengan harga diatas BEP Petani agar petani tersebut tidak terlalu merugi, jangan hanya ketika harga bawang mahal pemerintah melakukan operasi pasar untuk menurunkan harga bawang tersebut, ini merupakan hal yang menurut kami agak keliru.
     Kami berharap pemerintah bisa menstabilkan harga bawang merah sekitar Rp 20.000/kg dengan harga demikian insyaallah kesejahteraan petani akan dapat terwujud.

Development of Organic Coffee

Developed countries like the United States and a group of European countries has long campaigned for the issue of preserving the environment. increasing environmental awareness of society the United States and Europe gave birth to the urge for producers in developing countries to implement a proper environmental management in the production process.          one of the production processes associated with environmental concerns is organic farming. on sasarnya organic farming is farming by paying attention to the balance of nature, characterized among others in land preparation is not done by cultivation, weeds allowed to grow and was removed when he was very disturbing staple crops, and without additional input such as EM4 because they alter the balance of microorganisms in the ground. however, in practice, also developed organic farming, which focuses on the importance of soil tillage, applying advanced technology and use of pesticides to a minimum of farming products are still labeled organic agricultural products.             Organik agricultural products are agricultural products cropping process meets the standards of organic farming (Basic Standard Of Organic Agriculture) Yag ditetaapkan International Federation Of Organic Agricultural Movement (IFOAM). cultivation of organic farming ordinance requires cultivation free from synthetic chemicals, such as inorganic fertilizers, pesticides and heavy metals from the beginning to the end of the production cycle.             Currently the demand for organic agricultural products is increasing rapidly. Organic coffee is basically coffee free of synthetic chemical fertilizers and pesticides. development of organic coffee is prospective because the market opportunity is already open, the price is relatively stable, the technology is already available, and supported by the government and research institutions. rapidly growing organic market demand is closely linked to the characteristics of the product. namely coffee free of chemicals and nature pengusahaannya done continuously, in addition to the organic coffee is also included specialty coffee category. consumers tend to choose a special coffee or have certain characteristics and advantages as happened in the US and the Canadian.             Specialty coffee in general is Arabica coffee. factors affecting the specialty coffee is a plant material (varieties), high point, harvesting and processing. Indonesia produces various types of coffee, including specialty coffee that has a characteristic taste and aroma YEG determined the growth environment. specialty coffee is a natural resource that can not be claimed another country. some areas producing arabica coffee specials in Indonesia are North Sumatra (Coffee Mandailaing and Lintong), Aceh (Gayo), East Java, Bali (Coffee Kintaman), South Sulawesi (Toraja-Kalosi), East Nusa Tenggara (Flores-Bajawa) and Papua (Coffee Baliem)

Monday, May 30, 2016

History The origin Village of Simpang Tj Nan IV

Origin of name and residence village of Simpang Tj Nan IV according to stories passed down from generation to generation that can not be known in the case, according to warih nan bajawek, pusako nan batarimo, of mamak ka kamanakan, sako nan disakoi, pusako dipusakoi, historical guided, ie on formerly future period ninik ancestors in village Batu Many consensus of four families of the tribe fourth wither his wish to develop the economy, will seek dent of the jungle, looking for good land for settlements and places malaco.After receiving word consensus arose four families are from Batu Many heading south, deck Lamo lambek street then they came to the hill Siambai-ambai commonly called hill Cambai, from here is seen two lakes namely Lake Above and Below Lake, after the note then Agree the fourth family to go to Lake Above so they came Garinggiang. Then live and diperiksalah Lake Above mentioned, after a few days around the Diatas then they came back to the place originally mentioned in Garinggiang, then bermusyawarahlah four families was to divide and define communal respectively, of kesepakaatan together so established four rajo or leader and customary for each rajo, namely:1. Rajo Mudo Island Sigaduduak2. Rajo diaceh in Tanjuang Tower3. NAN Rajo Putieh in Tanjuang Lalang4. Rajo SAID in Batu bamo
This is called the person who barampek or Rajo NAN BARAMPEK purportedly from here also the origin of the name Nan Ampek Tanjuang villages and people who brempat is precisely what has customary in village  Tanjuang Nan Ampek both on the lake and on land, because this is what people who foursomeThe first set foot in Tanjuang Nan Ampek, those seeking mancancang malatieh, manabak manaruko in communal respectively. For Rajo Nan Barampek person who first brought to Tanjuang Nan Appek preferably banana jo induak child bako new then other tribes, so that it becomes a village that is Tanjuang NAN ampek centered in Taluak Anjalai. And built customs hall and one mosque in Taluak Anjalai.For the perfection of legislation Nagari village and the village held a consultation in 1901 on the island of Sigaduduak precisely in Anau Rapek deliberations at that time did not get a decision. In 1908 a second deliberation held back housed in Batu Ampa Sigaduduak island but has not received a decision.
Having no road connecting Labuh-Muara Padang, Solok-Alahan Panjang village, the facilities began to be built such as: market, customs hall, school, etc., centered on the intersection. In 1914 was again held deliberations Third housed in Gaduang Sirocok Island Sigaduduak attended by niniak mamak of Batu Many beseta Head of Village Batu Many, niniak mamak of Solok jo Selayo, Kinari jo Parambahan and Lareh Koto Nan Anam and demat of Alahan Panjang, then deliberation great at the time that received the decision, was mandapek kato consensus, was Bulek aie kapambuluah, then dipotonglah buffalo in Gaduang Sirocok Island Sigaduduak and held a feast for three days and three nights and in that time dikukuhkanlah pengulu equipped with a Datuak and niniak mamak ampek jinih in Tanjuang Nan Ampek, namely:I. Rajo NAN BARAMPEK is Pengulu their communal status are:1. Datuak Rajo Mudo is Pengulu ulayat Sigaduduak Island2. Datuak Rajo diaceh is Pengulu Tanjuang Communal Land Tower3. Datuak Rajo NAN PUTIEH is Pengulu Communal Land Tanjuang Lalang4. Datuak SAID Rajo is Pengulu Communal Land Stone bamoII. NAN PENGULU BATIGO stausnya is Pengulu Andiko they are:1. Datuak Bagindo Mudo2. Datuak Rajo INTAN / Datuak Mandaro tuft3. Datuak Malintang SATI
In 1918 the village Tanjuang Ampek Nan Nan named Simpang Tanjuang Ampek, village at that time still under the pressure of colonization, up until the date of August 17, 1945 thanks to the grace of Allah Almighty Indonesia can proclaim independence, entering hard times onIndonesia's Independence initial public village Simpang Tanjuang Nan Ampek as other regions of the Republic is still experiencing concerns against rebellions in the area until the era of the Long Term Development First Phase.Entering the Era of Long-Term Development Stage Two with the enactment of Law No. 5 of 1979 on Village Government / Urban Village, whose applications in 1982 as the National System of Government Nagari turned into Government System Village / Sub. In the 1979-1990 year, Government Systems Nagari Simpang Tanjuang Nan Ampek turn into the Village Governance System which consists of 8 (eight) village, namely:1. Under Lake Village Kapalo2. Market Village Simpang3. Kapalo Lake Village Diateh4. The village headman Ingu5. Aka Village Tower6. Village Desert Data7. Taluak Kinari village8. Village Taluak Anjalai
In the year 1996-1999 occurred unification Village, in Kenagarian Simpang Tanjuang Nan Ampek into 4 (four) village, namely:1. Under Lake Village Head2. Tourism Village3. Sungai Sirah4. Village PaubunganOnce enacted Law No. 22 Year 1999 on Regional Government, in the new paradigm, the implementation of regional autonomy that characterized premises decentralization principle, to position local governments remain the main responsible for policy governance in accordance with the authority granted and remain in the corridor of the unitary Republic of Indonesia ,West Sumatra Provincial Government has been addressing in a sensible Law No. 22 of 1999 denagn West Sumatra bore rule No. 9 of 2000 which provide an opportunity for the region to govern according to the forefront of the creativity of each.In the province of West Sumatra administration system leading edge is defined Nagari administration regulated in West Sumatra Provincial Regulation No. 9 of 2000, which the government is called to Nagari, and in the implementation nuanced philosophy of "Indigenous Basandi Syara 'and Syara' Basandi Kitabullah".Community commitment to "Babaliak ka Nagari" in Solok reaffirmed by District Regulation Solok No. 4 of 2001 on Government Nagari, an important thing is the purpose of returning to the system of government Nagari how you feel sahino samalu, saciok like chicken, sadanciang like stale back to life amongst the people if persaan is supported also by socio-cultural values ​​are adhered to by the community.Village Simpang Tanjung Nan IV Juridical Formal reshaped bedasarkan Decree of the Regent of Solok No. 104 of 2000 on inauguration 55 Nagari in Solok, then village Simpang Tanjung Nan IV joyfully inaugurated  Simpang Tanjung Nan IV with back slaughtering buffalo in Gaduang Sirocok on dated October 16, 2001, as historical evidence then built a plaque / monument in Gaduang Sirocok Nagari Simpang Tanjung Nan IV, District of Solok Regency Twin Lake built by the Government  along Rajo nan Barampek and citizens Simpang Tanjung Nan IV Simpang Tanjung Nan IV inhabited by a heterogeneous population consisting of 6 (six) tribes, namely the Malays, Bendang Tribe, Tribe Tanjung, Tribe Kutianyie / Jambak, Tribes and Tribal Caniago Panai.

Know and Functions For Potassium Fertilizer Plant

Potassium fertilizer is one kind of fertilizer needed by most farmers in Indonesia, because the nutrient has been relatively little potassium in the soil. potassium fertilizers included in the group of single fertilizers, which are often used by farmers in order to increase plant growth.potassium elements contained in potash fertilizer has many benefits for the plant. potash fertilizer market can be found in various forms and types, it's just a different shape and type must, potash fertilizer has the same function for  K nutrient requirements that are needed by plants.Types of potash fertilizers include potassium sulfate, potassium chloride and fertilizer Paten-kali.
1. Potassium Sulfate FertilizerPotash fertilizer belonging to a pioneer in Indonesia of its existence is the first among other potash fertilizers potassium.potassium sulphate fertilizer is made from a mixture of potassium oxide and sulfuric acid so that its name is often referred to as ZK fertilizer or zwavelzure times. This fertilizer buturan-shaped small white granules. nature does not hygroscopic and reacts acid when applied to the soil.
2. potassium chloride fertilizerpotassium fertilizer is quite rare to find in the market, because the price is quite expensive. nevertheless, potassium chloride fertilizer is better known as KCL is still sought after and used by farmers to meet the needs of K nutrient in plants.
3. Fertilizer Kalim Patent-KaliPotash fertilizer made from a mixture of Kalium oksida and magnesium sulfate. K2O nutrient fertilizer containing 21% to 30% and MgO nutrient content of 6% to 19.5% Patents Kali fertilizer commonly used in temperate latitudes because of its nutrient content of MgO is large enough, as it is known that the land in sub-tropical regions generally lots MgO nutrient deficiencies.
the function of potassium fertilizers, among others.1. assist the formation of proteins, carbohydrates and sugar2. strengthen the body's role in the plant so that the leaves, flowers and fruits do not fall.3.transport of sugars from the leaves to the fruit or tuber4.strength for the plant in the face of drought and disease


PGPR or Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobakteri / Rhizobakteri hyper Plant Growth is a kind of bacteria that live around the roots tanaman.Bakteri enveloped his life to colonize plant roots.
For plants where microorganisms will be very beneficial. These bacteria provide benefits in the process of plant physiology and growth.
Function PGPR (Plant Grow Promoting Rhizobacteria) for plants, among others:
1. Able to spur growth and physiology of plant roots
2. Capable of reducing disease or damage by insects.
3. Increase the availability of other nutrients like phosphate, sulfur, iron and copper.
4. Can produce plant hormones,

Applications PGPR (Plant Grow Promoting Rhizobacteria) can reduce the incidence and severity of disease. Some bacteria PGPR (Plant Grow Promoting Rhizobacteria) were inoculated in the seed before planting can give the defense on the hood of the roots of plants. This makes the bacteria PGPR (Plant Grow Promoting Rhizobacteria) is able to reduce the severity of illness dumping-off (Pythium ultimatum) in the plant. Some bacteria PGPR (Plant Grow Promoting Rhizobacteria) capable of producing toxic to plant pathogens, such as bacteria Bacillus subtilis is able to fight fungal pathogens.

MAKING EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS PGPR (Plant Grow Promoting Rhizobacteria)


• Knives
• The basin
• Scales
• Derigen
• Ember
• Pots Boil
• Small Slang
• Aqua Bottle 600 ml former
• Spoon stirrer
• Stove


1. 100 g each bamboo root, root shy daughter, corn root, root sedges or grass roots.
2. 200 gr sugar / sugar / sugar anau
3. 100 gr tration
4. 0.5 kg of fine bran / bran
5. 3 liters of cold boiled water / coconut water
6. 20 ltr of water
7. 1 tablespoon whiting

Making way PGPG (Plant Grow Promoting Rhizobacteria)
How pembutan Parent
cut all the ingredients in the form of bamboo root, root shy daughter, corn root, root sedges or grass roots. then soak the material with cold boiled water or coconut water for 4 days

How PGPG Propagation (Plant Grow Promoting Rhizobacteria)
1. 20 liters of boiled water till boiling
2. enter the shrimp paste, sugar, fine bran and whiting approximately 5 minutes and got up.
3. enter the batter into a 35-liter derigen first filtered, cooled as much as about one night after a cold inserted into the mains PGPR derigen 1 cup and save it for 1 week, after 1 week PGPR is ready for use.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Tanah dan Kesuburan

Ada tiga unsur yang sangat menentukan tingkat kesuburan lahan pertanian yaitu biologi, fisika dan kimia. ketiga unsur tersebut saling terkait dan harus seimbang.
sayangnya, selama ini sebagian besar petani atau pebisnis agro industri di Indonesia hanya mementingkan kesuburan yang bersifat kimia saja, yaitu dengan memberikan pupuk anorganik seperti Urea, TSP/Sp36,KCL dan NPK secara terus menerus dan terkadang dengan dosis yang berlebihan.
pemupukan akan efektif jika pupuk yang ditebarkan dapat menambah atau melengkapi unsur hara yang telah tersedia didalam tanah. karenanya hanya bersifat menambah atau melengkapi unsur hara, maka sebelum digunakan harus diketahui gambaran keadaan tanahnya, khususnya kemampuan awal untuk mendkung petumbuhan tanaman.

Tanah memiliki empat fungsi utama yaitu
1. memberi unsur hara dan sebagai tempat akar tanaman.
2. menyediakan air dan sebagai tempat penampung air
3. menyediakan udara untuk pernapasan akar
4. sebagai media tumbuhnya tanaman.

Tanah tersusun dari empat komponen dasar yakni:
1. Bahan mineral yang berasal dari pelapukan batu-batuan
2. bahan organik yang berasal dari pembusukan sisa dari makhluk hidup
3. air dan
4. udara

kesuburan tanah juga dipengaruhi oleh sifat fisik tanah dan sifat kimia tanah.

kunci kesuburan tanah adalah bagaimana kita bisa saling menyeimbangkan unsur biologis, kimia dan fisik, selama ini, kebanyakan petani hanya fokus kepada unsur kimia saja. akibatnya hasil panen malah merosot dan biologis tanah pun terganggu. faktanya ssejak tahun 1990 hasil panen kita tidak pernah optimal lagi.


Determine When Harvesta. Definitions and objectivesDetermining when the harvest is watching / seeing the state of the physical plant to determine appropriate harvest time, the goal in order to obtain quality and optimal production of red chilli.
b. Determination Standards At HarvestDetermination of the harvesting is done by looking at the development / physical changes of fruit, especially on fruit color green to red chili perfectly with the maturity level reaches 80-85%, or can also be adjusted to market demand / consumer .. If chili is harvested before the perfectly ripe usually have black dots on the skin.Errors in determining the time of harvest causes disrupted harvest interval is also not fulfilled the expected production quality.
c. Harvest timeRed chili crop can be harvested 75-100 days after planting, depending on the type of land and varieties. In the lowlands of the harvest of the first was at the age of 75-80 days after planting, the harvest time interval 2-3 days. While in the highlands are a bit slow on old plants 90-100 days after planting to harvest interval of 3-5 days. In general, in one period of planting, harvesting red chilies to do as much as 15-17 times the time for 1.5 - 2 moon.The time of harvest should be done in the morning because of the weight of the fruit in optimal condition due to the accumulation of substances in the evening and yet evaporation. Generally, red chilies in quotation when fully ripe, characteristics all parts of red fruit. Production peak of harvest is the harvest day - 30 to produce 1 - 1.5 tons / ha for all crops.Red chilies are harvested ripe and immediately right on the market will continue to make the cooking process, so that the need for placement and special handling. Therefore, the production of red pepper should be placed in a cool room, protected from direct sunlight, enough oxygen and not humid.
B. Applying Mechanical Harvesting
How picking the good can not result in stalk and chilies or broken, so that the quality of the obtained low. Picking should be done with caution, avoid the occurrence of a broken stem or fruit, cuts on branches and twigs of trees and terpetiknya immature fruit. It is advisable to use scissors to avoid damaging the stalk.If the chili will be marketed in fresh form, then marketed immediately after harvesting while still applying the techniques of the harvest is good and right. Things that need to be considered at the time of harvesting chilies are as follows:a. Make harvesting after the whole chilies have reached a level of maturity that is the same or has redb. Perform the plucking after water on the surface of the skin of the fruit runs out, this is done to reduce the occurrence of microbial contamination spoilagec. At the time of harvesting, avoid injury and a broken branches and twigsd. Separate segerah rotten fruit with healthy fruit to prevent transmission of disease from rotting chili to chili healthy.e. Strive for the harvest is not exposed to direct atahari.

C. Conduct Collection and Sorting1. collectionOnce picked / harvested red chilies collected or stored at the site before it is marketed. Collection sites / shelters yields should be close to where the harvesting to prevent shrinkage and loss of quality due to the weight of freight to and from shelters teralu far / long. Treatment / management actions and specifications of containers used must be tailored to the nature and characteristics of the commodities handled.Use a container with a smooth surface to collect the harvested chili. Avoid using containers with a rough surface because it can damage the skin of the fruit due to friction against the surface of the container.Chilies are plucked put in a plastic bucket until the container is full. Do not do compaction can cause chilies broken. Once the container is full plucking gathered in shelters.2. SortingPost-harvest handling is very important to maintain the quality of red chili because it is easily damaged by chemical and biological activity. In the process of sorting the separation between the good fruits are damaged or rotten. Maturity chili adjusted to demand, long duration storage and transportation to market. Fruit will be sold in the form of freshly harvested ripe, while the fruit to be shipped long distances harvested when ripe green fruit. Dried fruit to be harvested when fully ripe or red.Great chilies after harvest, sorting and cleaning needs to be done, by separating chili poor quality (broken, deformed, injured, decayed and malformed) of chili are good quality. In the sorting process can be simultaneously carried out the cleaning process (removing the parts that are not needed such as stems, leaves or dirt mixed). During the sorting should be sought to avoid contact direct sunlight because it will lower the weight, there is withering and increases metabolic activity that can speed up the ripening process / respiration.Sorting is one of a series of activities postharvest handling is usually done in the packinghouse. Sorting activities are usually carried out together with quality measurements based on established criteria (grading). Grading of red pepper is usually based on consumer preferences will, namely consumer households and business customers. Nevertheless quality of production should not be ignored because it can have an impact on the next crop production marketing.Quality production that is well maintained will facilitate the marketing and consumers tend to demand, both consumer households and business customers. Confidence in the quality of production by consumers is the strength and market opportunities in agribusiness great chili. Assuredness and quality assurance of the sustainability of the market would lead to increased revenue and the main actors in the business pelakuk ahirnya improved welfare of farmers and their families.
Based on the Indonesian National Standard (SNI) No. 01-4480-1998, fresh red chilli is the fruit of red pepper of the species Capsicum annuum L. plucked at the optimal level of oldness and unprocessed. The fruit must be intact, not broken and they stemmed.Before didistribisikan, peppers harvested must go through a series of post-harvest processing which includes:1. Sorting in principle be done to separate the damaged antra chili (rotten, broken, or bruising) with good chili. The aim is to obtain good quality results with a uniform level of maturity.2. Curing is done to maximize the formation and stability of the color of chili before processing. Aim is to remove field heat. Normally farmers require curing in a manner overlaying chili is harvested in the shade.3. Grading is done after sorting and cleaning is completed, further classification / pengkelasan (grading). It is intended to obtain agricultural products of good quality and uniform in one class / same class according to standards established quality or consumer demand.Classification / pengkelasan performed by heavy, bulky, shape / form, color and free of diseases and other defects.Table 3. Quality Requirements Specifications Fresh Red Chili (SNI 01-4480-1998)
characteristics of TermsQuality I Quality II Quality IIIRed color uniformity ≥ 95% ≥ 95% Red Red ≥ 95%uniformity Uniforms(98%) Uniform(98%) Uniform(98%)Forms normal 98 normal 96 normal 95uniformity of sizea. Fresh red chili- The length of the fruit 12-14 cm 9-11 cm <9 cm- The diameter of the base of 1,5 - 1,7 cm 1.3 - <1.5 <1.3b. Curly red chili- The length of the fruit> 12-17 10 - <12 <10- The diameter of the base of> 1.3 to 1.5 1.0 - <1.3 <1.0Impurity content 1 2 5Extent of damageand rottena. Big red chili 0 1 2b. Curly red chili 0 1 2
Damage generally occurs at the time of packing or during transportation. Eg fruit broken / split or broken stems. Physical damage can also be caused by the environment such as humid storage places (90%) or high tropical temperatures. However, the environmental humidity also can not be less than 80%, because it can create a dried chili that looks wrinkled and not fresh anymore. Physical damage is characterized by the decay of stored fresh chilli. This damage is of course detrimental. Therefore, for the chili reaches the buyer in good quality need extra handling during harvesting and post harvest, so efforts should be made to extend the shelf life that aims to facilitate distribution and increase the value added. This can be done through processing, such as dried chilli, chilli powder, chilli sauces and chilli other processed products.
D. Packing And Storage1. PackagingPackaging is very important to do the red chili with the aim to protect the quality of chili before it is marketed. Packaging can prevent yield loss, mempertahannkan quality and appearance, as well as extending the shelf life of chili. Packaging used for easy storage and transport of chili in the domestic market is bamboo baskets, wooden crates / plastic. Ideal packaging is easily lifted, safe, economical and can ensure the success of the product. Packaging commonly used by merchants are nets with a capacity of 9-100 kg. The packaging is very practical, but it can not protect the chili and keruskan mechanical and physiological, especially when weighed or during transport.Packaging volume should not exceed 25 kg for packaging that are too large can degrade the quality of chili, especially those at the bottom. (Setyowati and Budiarti 1992). Good packaging can reduce the impact, simplify, and reduce evaporation. The principle of the manufacture of the packaging is economical, the material is available, easy to make, light and strong to protect the commodity, ventilated and does not smellPack hot pepper in plastic bags or baskets banbu air- or cardboard. If chilies to target export markets, it should be well packed neatly in boxes the size of 30 cm x 40 cm x 50 cm Leih contain less than 20 kg. cardboard used sebaikanya ventilated or perforated.
2. Storage
Storage is done if the chili is not marketed or distributed. In the storage process is very worth noting is; state chilies to be stored, storage areas, containers or packaging, and storage time.The chili will be stored should chili is not too ripe, because it still has resilience. Chili with perfect ripeness will be more easily damaged when stored as a result of biological activity.Storage areas should be clean with adequate air circulation, avoid direct sunlight and rain as well as freedom from pests. Storage areas that do not meet the requirements of chilies cause rot quickly.Containers or packaging and placement settings also determine the shelf life of chili. Selection of container as well as setting incorrect placement result in damage that can lead to huge losses. Do not store the chili too long when storage areas and containers / packaging not ensure the preservation of quality.
E. Transportation
Transportation is an important link in postharvest handling and distribution of chili. To maintain the quality and extend the freshness, traders usually require a suitable means of transport to facilitate marketing. If the amount of chilli marketed slightly, usually farmers / traders use a pole, bicycles or carts. During transport, the chili can suffer mechanical damage due to contact with the container or with chili others due to shocks. Physiological damage can also result from a metabolic disorder in the material. Respirasiyang process is still ongoing in chili peppers stacked produce H2O, CO2, and energy in the form of heat. If the excessive heat generated will result in chili wilt, faster respiration and tissue cells die. According Hartuti and Sinaga (1993), the transport of chili remotely using a bamboo basket, can hit the weight loss of up to 0%, damage rate of 1.30%, and the freshness of chili is quite good.Packaging carton / cardboard with a capacity of 20 kg can be used when combined with a mesh sack that is inserted into a ventilated cardboard.