Thursday, May 26, 2016

Peanut Cultivation Technology


  Peanuts are food plants such as shrubs originating from Latin America, rather than the State Brazil. Peanut cultivation was first performed by the Indians. In the Americas peanut cultivation is growing very rapidly after the arrival of Europeans.Peanuts entered Indonesia in the early twentieth century - 17, brought by pedagng Chinese and Portuguese. Another name for peanuts is peanut una, suuk, jebrol beans, nuts Bandung, tuban bean, pea chole, Bengal beans, sedangkangkan in England people have called peanut or groundnut.Hierarchical taxonomis peanuts can be classified with the composition:Kingdom             : Plantae (plants)Division              : Spermatophyta (seed plants)Sub Division       : Angiospermae (drupe covered)Klas                    : Dicotyledoneae (beans into pieces two)Order                  : LeguminalesFamily                : PapilionceaeGenus                 : ArachisSpecies               : Arachis hypogeae L, Arachis tuberosa Benth, Arachis Guaramatica Chod & Hassl, Arachis Idiagoi Hochne, Arachis Angutifolia (CHOD & hassl), Killip, Arachis Villosa Benth, Arachis Prostrata, Arachis Marganata Garden, Arachis Helodes Mart, Arachis Namby Quarae Hochne, Arachis Villoticarpe, Arachis glabrata Benth.              Peanut varieties cultivated superior farmers bertypetegak and usually short-lived (early maturing). Kcang land yielding varieties usually marked with the following characteristics:a. high productionb. Short lifespan (early maturing) between 85 -90 daysc. results stabled. Resistant to major diseases (rust and leaf spot)e. Drought tolerantPeanut varieties being superior famous in Indonesia dalah as beikut:a. Brul beans, short-lived 3-4 monthsb. Chinese beans, long-lived 6-8 monthsc. Peanut Hole, is a type of mixture from crosses between varieties exist
BENEFITS OF PEANUT       Peanuts are very much beneficial for humans, especially for nutrition kandungna quite high. Kacangh soil contains 27% protein, fat 40.50%, karbohidrad and vitamins A, B, C, D, E and K also contains minerals like-Ca, Cl, F, Mg, K, and S.In the field of industry groundnut is widely used as an ingredient for cheese, butter, soap and cooking oil.
GROWING CONDITIONS1. Climatea. Rainfall is suitable for the cultivation of peanuts between 800 - 1300 mm / year. Too much rain can be knocked out of leaves and flowers unfertilizedb. Peanuts desired temperature is 28o - 32o Cc. Anatara air humidity 65-75%d. Full sun irradiation is needed2. Growing Mediaa. The type of soil is suitable for the cultivation of peanuts is a loose soilb. PH required by peanuts for growth is 6.0 to 6.5c. Continuous water shortage can cause the plant to be thin, stunted and witheredd. Kertinggian an ideal place for peanuts is 500 m above sea level.
FARMING TECHNIQUES PEANUT1. Breeding- Terms seed• Seed should come from new crops and varieties• Power high growth of over 90%• Skin shiny seed and no wrinkles and blemishes• Pure is not mixed with other varieties• The water content ranges between 9-12%
- Preparation of seed• Pemelihan seeds originating from breeding generative (seeds)• The seeds are stored in dry and tightly closed cans• Seed comes from Seed which has been appointed by the Central Seed setifikasi2. Soil Processinga. Preparation of land to be tilledb. clearingsc. The formation of a fairly steep embankment, planting distance is 0.5 m wide embankment on sloping land between 30-40 m. As for the land that is essentially flat beds wide between 10-20 m with a height of 20-30 cm.d. LimingThe usual dose used for liming is 1 to 2.5 ton / ha. Stirring evenly, no later than one month before plantinge. Provision of biological fertilizer Mig - 6 Plus on the land surface by spraying, fertilizer dose is 2 liters / haf. FertilizationProvision of an organic fertilizer in the form of urea by 60 -90 kg, SP36, 60 -90 kg and 50 kg KCL. Fertilizer inserted in either side of the drill hole was made approximately 3 cm.3. Planting Techniques- Planting peanuts should be with regard rainfall, good spacing is 45 x 15 or 30 x 20 cm. At a distance of less fertile land is 40 x 10 or 20 x20 cm- The opening holePunch a hole 30 cm deep moor- Planting MethodChoose a good quality seed, seed input one or two seeds in each hole, then covered with thin soil.Try to plant peanuts at the start of the rainy season4. Maintenance Planting- Stitching• Stitching dilkukan if there is a seed that is dead or not grow. Stitching is done the sooner the better after the others seem to grow approximately 3-7 days after planting- Weeding• Weeding dilkukan to avoid pests and diseases of crops were also planted crops do not compete with weeds, weeding planting dilkukan at the age of 5-7 days- Pembumbunan• Pembumbunan done by collecting land in rows so as to form a mound that extends along the row- Fertilization• The recommended dose is Urea fertilizer as much as 60-90 kg, TSP36 as much as 60-90 kg and KCL as much as 50 kg / ha- Fertilizer• Fertilizer Mig - 6 Plus at the time of maintenance of planting 3 s / d 6 weeks after planting, when using seed-lived intermediate or long-90-120 days needed additional fertilizer Mig - 6 Plus at the age of 9 weeks, giving each type 2 liter /Ha- Irrigation and Watering• Pengaairan and keep watering so the soil remains moist dilkukan- Spraying• Spraying dilkukan only in case of pests and diseases. Spraying dikukan in the afternoon or evening. Drugs used in accordance with the type of pest or disease attack.PEST AND DISEASE1. Hamaa. UretSymptoms eat the roots, stems and pods bottom, as a result of this attack the plants wither and die. Control of these pests can dilkukan with simultaneous cropping, intensive penyianagan, the affected plants immediately withdrawn and destroyedb. colored caterpillarSymptoms: attack the leaves, the control can be done by spraying insecticides like Basudin 60 EC, Azodrin 15 W5C, Lannate L Sev in 85 Sc. caterpillars GrapyakSymptoms: eat the leaf epidermis and bone secaraberkelompok. Control: clean the weeds, execute simultaneous cropping patterns, pagiliran planting, and spraying with insecticided. caterpillars inchSymptoms: the location of the attack was the leaves, consequently leaves become perforated and eventually fall out. Control is by spraying with insecticidee. SikadaSymptoms: Locations attack was the leaves. Leaf liquid sucking pests. Control: do simultaneous planting, crop rotation, spraying with insecticidef. Leaf beetleSymptoms: The leaves are broad, leaves and bones. Penendalian: Planting simultaneously, spraying with Agnotion 50 EC, Azodrin 15 W5C.2. Diseasea. wilt diseaseControl: spraying streptomycine or Agrimycine, 1 hectare requires 0.5 to 1 liter. Agrimycine in solubility of 200 400 liters / hab. Devils Sweep diseaseControl: plant removed and destroyedc. Leaf spotting diseasesControl: berdeaux slurry spraying with 1% or Dithene M45d. Mosaic diseaseControl: spraying with a fungicide routinely 5-10 dayse. disease GapongControl: soil dug up and collected nematodesf. disease SclertiumControl: destroy cropsg. disease crateControl: plant removed and destroyed

HARVEST1. Characteristics and Harvest- Harvesting peanuts depending on the type, age, short, 3-4 months, long life 5 -6 monthsCharacteristics:• Leaf yellowing and some have begun to fall, pods already contains a full and loud• Trunk began to harden• The color of dark brown pods victimization2. How to HarvestRevocation of plants, memtik pods (fruits), clean and dry in the sun, then sorting the pods are superior to persipan subsequent seed, then keep the place dry.3. ProductivityTotal crop production is normal for 1 ha ha ranged from 1.5 - 2.5 tonnes of dry pods. This amount can still be level all capable of doing the intensification cultivation of beans with a good and thorough in taking care of the land dibudaiayakan kaacang

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